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Mini Dahlia – Started with Marti Michell’s No…

Mini Dahlia – Started with Marti Michell’s Not So Giant Templates which results in 36” Dahlia. I needed a 21” inch Dahlia. I traced templates and scanned them. Using Bernina software I digitized them. Using the outline function, I removed the quarter inch seam allowance. I reduced the size by 60%. I added small holes at corners to help with alignment. I added the quarter inch seam allowance back on, and eliminated the stitch line. I then exported an SVG file for my Silhouette Cameo cutting machine, which cut out card stock templates. I taped templates together to check the holes all lined up. When everything looked good, I created the same SVG cut file but without the holes, and used this to cut my fabric using the cutting machine. The card stock templates can be used to mark intersections on the fabric pieces to aid alignment. I then started sewing them together. Slight curve sewing cab be a bit tricky. I also starched my fabrics heavily before starting. There is so much you can do, to save time and money and work. A photocopier for reducing the size and a quarter inch ruler can be used instead of software with more hands on work. Anyway, having fun and thought I would share… The seeds of this project’s techniques started in Teri Hall’s latest retreat on cutting. No affiliation just a very happy follower. #2manylizards #dahliaquilt #silhoettecameo #berninasoftware

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Recommending the Pierce Shirt PDF sewing pattern b…

Recommending the Pierce Shirt PDF sewing pattern by Goldfinch Textile Studio which has been released today. Size inclusive. Mine was made with just over two yards of 54” wide fabric. I was a paid pattern tester but I was under no obligation to post. I really like the shirt, and am so happy with this zero waste design. Construction methods are challenging and fun. #goldfinchtextilestudio

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Where to begin … When I start a quilt, I thin…

Where to begin … When I start a quilt, I think about the recipient(s)… this helps with color and meaningful motifs. In this case, the center features a Dahlia flower which represents joy, hope, celebration, strength, … encircled by a self drafted DNA inspired border. There are mountain ranges and other hidden motifs. There is space to rest in between… Then I color my sketches and start drafting pattern pieces… all this before I ever touch the fabrics… Such an exciting start to the process.

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Just spent the 3 day weekend playing and playing. …

Just spent the 3 day weekend playing and playing. Went suit shopping for Pat, caught up with Chris and Hannah, got to see Ceci’s new school she will be teaching at and her new apartment which was awesome, did 1 puzzle, 3 escape rooms, and went up Mt Washington Auto Road to watch the eclipse on an absolutely gorgeous day. Much fun. Feeling light and young and ready for the week ahead. Do yourself a favor and go have some fun!

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Another quilt top finished … full/ queen size…

Another quilt top finished … full/ queen size in 1930’s prints… I think I might have Easter colors on my mind. Now to sandwich and quilt. The top is laying so flat. This quilt is for a sweet lady. Marti Michell’s Giant Dahlia templates. Hoping to finish soon! Stay tuned. #quilttop #1930sfabric #martimichelltemplates

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Just finished this test of Pierce Button Up Shirt …

Just finished this test of Pierce Button Up Shirt for #goldfinchtextilestudio it is zero/low waste pattern and is size inclusive. For about 2.25 yds of 54” fabric I made this blouse. It is not for beginners but with a little experience this is a truly fun sewing adventure. I would recommend lighter / thinner fabric. I used a medium weight linen that I had hand dyed. Lovely pleating detail and the inside is finished beautifully. #sewover50plus #goldfinchtextilestudio #curvysewingcollective

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It’s finished. Ready to be gifted. Truly a jo…

It’s finished. Ready to be gifted. Truly a journey of learning and fun making this quilt. Finished size is . 49 x 63, a nice lap size quilt. Used many batiks, and the Marti Mitchell “Not so Giant Dahlia” pattern templates. Trying to really push myself to utilize the many features of my sewing machine. Used Bernina V9 software, cutworks, and In the Hoop quilting techniques. #berninausa #batikquilts #quilting #sewing

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Slow going… but more progress. Did some machi…

Slow going… but more progress. Did some machine quilting with walking foot, then designed some quilting motifs using embroidery software for the petal pieces, and I am doing my first In the Hoop quilting on my embroidery machine. So many pieces to quilt, but living how it is coming out! I am learning so much. Hopefully ready for binding tomorrow. Also digitized the template pieces from Marti Mitchell’s Not So Giant Dahlia pattern, and used cutworks to cut all my pieces out. Excuse threads, still a work in progress #quilting #ithquilting #berninav9software #2manylizards #martimitchelltemplates #dahliaquilt