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Template testing… The next border is round, l…

Template testing… The next border is round, loosely based on DNA and my version of single wedding ring in the round. Used Bernina Designer software to help digitize and draft the templates. Massive mind challenge to sew it together the first time, but There is a fairly straightforward flow to the assembly. Came out the right size and lying pretty flat … I will call that progress and now it is time to play with the pretty fabrics 😋 #quilting

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It’s finished. Ready to be gifted. Truly a jo…

It’s finished. Ready to be gifted. Truly a journey of learning and fun making this quilt. Finished size is . 49 x 63, a nice lap size quilt. Used many batiks, and the Marti Mitchell “Not so Giant Dahlia” pattern templates. Trying to really push myself to utilize the many features of my sewing machine. Used Bernina V9 software, cutworks, and In the Hoop quilting techniques. #berninausa #batikquilts #quilting #sewing

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Slow going… but more progress. Did some machi…

Slow going… but more progress. Did some machine quilting with walking foot, then designed some quilting motifs using embroidery software for the petal pieces, and I am doing my first In the Hoop quilting on my embroidery machine. So many pieces to quilt, but living how it is coming out! I am learning so much. Hopefully ready for binding tomorrow. Also digitized the template pieces from Marti Mitchell’s Not So Giant Dahlia pattern, and used cutworks to cut all my pieces out. Excuse threads, still a work in progress #quilting #ithquilting #berninav9software #2manylizards #martimitchelltemplates #dahliaquilt