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Trying to make the perfect winter mittens for play…

Trying to make the perfect winter mittens for playing with the dog this cold, wet winter. Bought a variety of outer shell fabrics from #discoveryfabrics that feature waterproof and wind blocking with moisture wicking, while also being abrasion resistant enough to handle stick throwing and having enough insulation for warmth. Quite the design challenge. Started with the #mentapatterns pattern, but using slash and spread to improve fit.

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Cautionary tale … up until last winter I had …

Cautionary tale … up until last winter I had the best nightgowns in soft supple stretch cotton. Made to my measurements and just ever so dreamy. But as a newbie to sewing with knits, I did not use ball point needles, and all along the seams small holes began to appear and last winter I was forced to retire them to rag bag. Now, I am one month into cold weather and just getting around to replacing them. Use ball points needles with knits! #sewover50plus

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So excited!!! Working on my first pair of Mitchell…

So excited!!! Working on my first pair of Mitchell trousers by Closet Core patterns, and other than minor crotch curve extensions, the fit is amazing. Still have to put in hem and waist facings. I added a bit of extra height to the center back on waist, but it was not necessary. Trimming it off to follow original pattern. Sits so nicely, so comfortable. I loved the Pietra’s and these are as nice without elastic in waist band. Waist 48 Hips 58, made size 28 with .75 inches added to extend back crotch curve. A bit long, but that was intentional. Cannot wait to finish and wear these. Thanks to Beverly of Punk Frockers for the inspiration. #sewover50plus #weedstowildflowers #punkfrockers #closetcoremitchell

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Another bonus day in November. Walked on the beach…

Another bonus day in November. Walked on the beach. Dipped my toes in the icy water. Living life in me mades. Self drafted tee shirt, #noicejeans. I am sitting on a beloved self drafted flannel button up. And I made his shirt too! #munaandbroad #sewiver50plus #memadeeveryday #imakemyclothes #plussizesewing #curvysewingcollective #memadeonrepeat

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Another version of a self drafted dress. Strugglin…

Another version of a self drafted dress. Struggling to capture the correct sequence and techniques for assembling this dress. It is more difficult than drafting pattern pieces. This version has side seam pockets. #birgittahelmerssonpatterns has an excellent tutorial for adding these pocket to gathered skirt. Just needs buttons and a hem. I cannot wait to wear it. #sewover50plus