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#MeMadeMay2023 day 10, this dress is a textured co…

#MeMadeMay2023 day 10, this dress is a textured cotton from I believe Joann Fabrics, which was purchased and iced dyed by Jenny Hassler, and made into a Caramiya’s Dragonfruit dress, which I bought and reassembled into a dress for myself. I adored the original dyeing but it languished unworn in my closet. Just too much bright white for me to be comfortable in. In an attempt to make me reach for it, I attempted an over dye, but was too heavy handed and obscured the beauty of the original ice dye. That said, I still love it, the color is wonderful and in the sunlight the highlights dance, and now I wear it. Nothing ventured nothing gained. #johassler #punkfrockers #pfsewingadjacent

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Working on this self draft. I absolutely love it. …

Working on this self draft. I absolutely love it. Put some effort into pattern matching. Drafted sleeves were so tough, but I nailed it in the end. Bodice was draped on my dress form. Sleeves loosely based on size 26 full bicep on Cashmerette’s Vernon shirt pattern. Significant modifications to sleeve cap to accommodate my arm scye. #vernonshirt Thanks to Jenny Hassler who inspired me to go the extra mile to draft my own version of the everyday dress. #johassler

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#pfgratitude I am grateful to all the support and …

#pfgratitude I am grateful to all the support and inspiration I find on the #curvysewingcollective and for all the pattern designers and companies who are expanding their offerings to be more inclusive. Also grateful to Beverly and Jenny for being a positive force for that inclusiveness. You inspired me to create and share the Pattern Library search engine, which makes finding indie patterns easier, with fewer disappointments, with its search by measurements. Currently adding more extended size patterns, daily. #weedstowildflowers #johassler