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Covid!!! After 3 and a half years and all my vacci…

Covid!!! After 3 and a half years and all my vaccines up to date I finally let my guard down, and enjoyed a fun night out and three days later I tested positive for the first time with Covid. I did not panic. I had heard how folks we’re basically bored and tired during their covid bouts. I thought I will read and do puzzles, catch up on some tv programs. But, my covid was not that at all. Instead, my throat was so sore I stopped eating. The constant coughing fits only intensified the pain, which prevented any sleep. Six days later I am finally starting to emerge from my Covid hell. I still have days until I will be able to safely leave home. I would never want to risk passing this on to others. The drugs needed to support Covid patients are difficult to find. My lungs and breathing were not effected so I consider myself lucky. But, in case you thought Covid was a thing of the past, I am here to tell you it is not.

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