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Made a 4 way garment, reversible and can be worn f…

Made a 4 way garment, reversible and can be worn front to back. Hacked the Forager Pinafore by Its Sew Becca. I found the pattern on Etsy. It is more of an apron, which I heavily modified. I just love the deep V and single layer skirt which keeps garment light but still covers me. Size inclusive. Used a Robert Kaufman Sevenberry Nara Stripe Homespun, which I loved both sides. Really beefy cotton. This should be perfect for an upcoming trip! #sevenberrynarahomespun #punkfrockers #sewover50september #sewover50plus

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Stokx Birdy dress releasing later this week. What …

Stokx Birdy dress releasing later this week. What a great pattern. Size inclusive. So comfortable. I used a woven with slight stretch, and the reach sleeves with some modifications. The sleeve accommodates my larger than average bicep. Graded Sizes 7/9/11 and used size 9 sleeve for my 46 chest 47 waist 56 hip 18.5 bicep measurements. I am C cup and might size down the chest area next time. I will be making short sleece version when spring comes. Blouse or dress you should definitely check out the Stokx Birdy patterns and upcoming sale. #stokxpatterns #sewover50september #sewover50plus