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My very first attempt at a Dahlia quilt pattern. I…

My very first attempt at a Dahlia quilt pattern. I bought these templates 12 years ago, and held on to them even after giving up quilting for 10 years. By Marti Mitchell, the “not so Giant Dahlia” templates. Used batiks, color choices could be improved. Starching the fabric made piecing much easier. But overall, excited to keep trying. #dahliaquilt #scrappyquilt #punkfrockers #sewover50february

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First make of 2024! This dress is a heavily hacked…

First make of 2024! This dress is a heavily hacked version of the “Its Sew Becca” Forager pinafore pattern which is more of an apron. I just love the proportions on me. This is size medium top using width of fabric for bottom. Made in dusty plum heavy cotton twill from Mardens, with Kaufman navy kona cotton for accents. I designed the machine embroidery myself, and added appliqued strips for accent. Insides are finished nicely. I added a label, to keep my New Year’s sewing resolution of signing my work this year. Slowing down, and tackling more challenging techniques like continuous embroidery for border accents. #sewover50january2024 #punkfrockers #curvysewingcollective

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Made a couple of Helen’s Closet’s Sam Ap…

Made a couple of Helen’s Closet’s Sam Aprons as Christmas gifts. It is free pattern with email address and great instructions with one exception, the bias needed to be cut 2” wide. Added some fun embroidery to personalize them. Used a medium to heavy cotton twill. Lots of hardware or hardware free options. Even used some leather scraps to up the finish. Great fast fun functional gifts. #helensclosetsamapron #pfjoyful #punkfrockers

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Self care win! The pattern is Daughter Judy’s…

Self care win! The pattern is Daughter Judy’s Genra blouse pattern. I missed wearing my summer version in lightweight linen so I made it in this medium weight brushed chambray. I actually used it inside out to maximize the comfort. I altered the fit a bit to my measurements. I have a relatively smaller bust, large biceps, and several sizes larger waist and hips. Not being a fan of boxy tops, I avoid drop shoulder patterns but this one just falls and feels great on me. The sleeves are both generous but not cumbersome when trying to work in it. I could easily wear tee shirt under it making it a great layering piece. The collar and curved facing are perfectly shaped for my frame. I adore the great hi/low hem with side vents. The back pleat adds just enough room for movement without adding too much volume. In the stiffer fabric it becomes possible to flip the collar up. I double stitched top stitching for an extra detail. Fabric was bought online from Fabric Mart and buttons are from Wawak. No affiliation, just sharing my make. Measurements 46:48:56. #daughterjudypatterns #fabricmart #wawaksewing #pfselfcare #punkfrockers #sewover50december

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Self care via making 5 pairs of leggings. Some are…

Self care via making 5 pairs of leggings. Some are for workout and some are for lounging. So tired of choosing between a tight squeeze and wrinkled bagging found in off the rack leggings. Used Amanda’s Bundles Peached Performance for the lounging pairs. The workout pairs are from a mix, Discovery Fabrics and Greenstyle. The pattern is My Fit Leggings by Apostrophe Patterns. Relaxed fit with contour waistband and no side seam. Made a test pair a few months ago and found they are an absolute dream to wear. And … there is patterns and colors!!!! I am trying to step a wee but out if my rut of black and navy. #pfselfcare #punkfrockers #sewover50plus #apostrophepatterns #myfitleggings #discoveryfabrics #greenstylefabrics #amandasbundles

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Skirt Skills by Brooks Ann Camper I am a customer…

Skirt Skills by Brooks Ann Camper

I am a customer of Brooks Ann. I have no affiliation with her, and this review was not requested or suggested. That said, her Skirt Skills class was truly a unique and vital part of my sewing journey. I am an intermediate/advanced sewist. I am a short, overweight, pear shaped woman who lives in me made clothes. Ready to wear clothing never fit me. In my youth I loved wearing skirts but had to give them up. They shifted throughout the day and hung crooked, even ones with elastic waistbands. Her classes are not cheap. They walk you through the steps to develop your skirt block, check and correct the fit, and then she guides you through designing and flat patterning a skirt of your choosing. It is a lot of work. For me it took 7 iterations of my block before I settled on a solid skirt block that addresses both my tilted waist from front to back and some significant asymmetry from left to right which I did not even know I had. Suddenly all my challenges with pants started to make sense. Here is my first skirt from Skirt Skills, I love the drape, the even hem, the waistband that stays in place and is comfortable both sitting and standing, and my deep pockets are just where I like them. While making this first skirt I committed to Brook Ann’s methods. I will not adopt all of her techniques going forward, but even after many years of garment sewing I was pleasantly surprised at all the useful tips and tricks I learned throughout the course. With every new skirt pattern I see I now know I will start with my block and draft a pattern. I might still the buy commercial pattern to aid in recreating design details and to provide instructions on assembly but no more trying to make standardized patterns fit me. I am currently taking her pants course, so tuned.

The skirt is made with cheap medium to lightweight denim. I was playing it safe with my first attempt. It pairs great with Itch to Stitch’s Shay vest made in linen. Unfortunately the comfort level of this outfit cannot be captured in photos!

#brooksanncamper #punkfrockers #sewover50plus #curvysewingcollective #itchtostitchpatterns

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This started out as a toile of the hacked ItsSewBe…

This started out as a toile of the hacked ItsSewBecca Forager Pinafore. It is a bit big but I decided to finish it up and use as an apron. Lovely work pockets and No ties. Good coverage too. This should be getting lots of use. The fabric is a heavy duty cotton. Maybe I will toss it in my next dye pot. #sewover50plus #punkfrockers #curvysewingcollective

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October 22, 2022 my beloved Bernina B710 started i…

October 22, 2022 my beloved Bernina B710 started its final downward slide. My local dealer did a few repairs that extended its life but the time had come to pull the plug. I know it is not a human or pet, but it was my main tool in my sewing room, and over the many years I spent so many hours using it to make so many amazing things. I cannot help but feel sad. And then with the world as it is, sadness seems to come from so many directions. They don’t make them like they used to … which applies, as it was the most basic machine of its series, just enough bells and whistles without all the extra hoopla, and they do not offer this combination anymore. It was a sizable investment which I have no regrets as it gave me so much value for my purchase. I picked up my new machine today and seem to be lacking the excitement that should come with a new purchase. At 60+ the learning curve is not as fun. So long old dear … you will be remembered fondly. #sewover50 #punkfrockers #curvysewingcollective