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I navigate this world as a 60 year old gray haired…

I navigate this world as a 60 year old gray haired fat short lady. Gender has been a difficult concept for me from early on. When I was young, I was a tom boy. Not boyish, I was a tom boy. Short hair, and as masculine clothes as I could manage. Back then, I was taunted by adults and kids alike. There was no precedent to present as male, or change my pronouns. I suppose if there had been I would have considered it. My parents were too checked out to play much attention to me. As I approached adulthood and started my career I was worn down and slowly made changes that allowed me to blend in. My husband fell in love with the real me and all my idiosyncrasies. I have never worn make up, or jewelry, or high heels. I never cared for fashion trends and hair styling. By the time I retired I had had enough of it. Now, I wear what I want. I have grown out my long gray hair, which I love. My favorite outfit is a non-frilly dress over leggings with chunky boots. I envy the youth for their freedom to define themselves, and navigate the stereotypes. Acceptance although not guaranteed comes to some much easier these days. I look forward to a time when narrow minds and stereotypes are a thing of the past. I recently heard the term dopamine dressing, wearing what makes you feel good. I have taken that one step further and I make the clothes that make me feel good, dopamine sewing.

Here is my latest creation, a self-drafted button up dress, in a “men’s“ cotton shirting. It has wide straight sleeves which can be easily rolled up, a comfortable v neck, and enough gathers to allow me to move comfortably. I pair it with a favorite hat, some leggings and a comfortable pair of boots. I add a scarf I knitted, as it is perfect for warding off the chill that has settled in this fall. I have no idea how this fits in with the current fashion trends. I do not care. I feel myself. I feel good. That is my wish for everyone. #pfgendermore #sewover50plus