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Self care via making 5 pairs of leggings. Some are…

Self care via making 5 pairs of leggings. Some are for workout and some are for lounging. So tired of choosing between a tight squeeze and wrinkled bagging found in off the rack leggings. Used Amanda’s Bundles Peached Performance for the lounging pairs. The workout pairs are from a mix, Discovery Fabrics and Greenstyle. The pattern is My Fit Leggings by Apostrophe Patterns. Relaxed fit with contour waistband and no side seam. Made a test pair a few months ago and found they are an absolute dream to wear. And … there is patterns and colors!!!! I am trying to step a wee but out if my rut of black and navy. #pfselfcare #punkfrockers #sewover50plus #apostrophepatterns #myfitleggings #discoveryfabrics #greenstylefabrics #amandasbundles

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Trying to make the perfect winter mittens for play…

Trying to make the perfect winter mittens for playing with the dog this cold, wet winter. Bought a variety of outer shell fabrics from #discoveryfabrics that feature waterproof and wind blocking with moisture wicking, while also being abrasion resistant enough to handle stick throwing and having enough insulation for warmth. Quite the design challenge. Started with the #mentapatterns pattern, but using slash and spread to improve fit.